California Divorce Statistics

California Divorce Statistics: Exploring 20 Years of Court Data

If we examine California divorce statistics over the last 20 years, divorce rates have been steadily declining since 2002, up until recently, that is. In 2002 160,785 marriages ended, compared to 108,422 in 2020. But from 2020 to 2021 the number of divorce filings in California increased to 114,238 – an increase of over 5,000 from the previous year. We will explore graphs that illustrate divorce statistics in California based on fiscal year and county and examine the impact Covid-19 had on these rates.

The table below shows the total number of family law filings for each fiscal year from 2002-2021.

California Family Court Filings: 2002 – 2021

Filings Family Law Total Dissolutions, Legal Separations, Annulments
FY21 297,957 114,238
FY20 307,731 108,422
FY19 353,674 126,141
FY18 360,387 131,042
FY17 374,994 134,708
FY16 389,428 139,806
FY15 381,214 138,109
FY14 384,428 139,026
FY13 392,799 140,246
FY12 418,696 150,602
FY11 433,087 154,549
FY10 455,834 154,534
FY09 458,138 153,205
FY08 439,420 151,505
FY07 460,437 154,649
FY06 455,901 157,719
FY05 475,322 154,906
FY04 481,640 152,237
FY03 473,248 153,858
FY02 490,602 160,785

California Divorce Data by County

Let’s look at how the rate of divorce changed by county from 2016-2020. The data shows how many divorces occurred each fiscal year, the total number of divorces, and the overall divorce rate in each county statewide.

California Divorce Rate by County

Yearly numbers of divorces vary greatly by county, depending on the overall population of each region. However, one commonality is that most counties’ yearly number of divorces steadily decline from 16/17 through 19/20, and then break this trend by increasing in 20/21.

California Divorces from 2016-2022

*Data is organized by Fiscal Year

County FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY20-21 Total Divorce Rate
Statewide 134,756 131,042 121,477 108,457 114,238 609,970 3.10
Alameda 4,939 4,569 4,415 3,423 3,747 21,093 2.54
Alpine 1 3 2 2 8 1.46
Amador 197 187 182 159 125 850 4.38
Butte 917 923 827 720 626 4,013 3.55
Calaveras 163 185 179 151 170 848 3.72
Colusa 71 75 76 75 62 359 3.34
Contra Costa 3,522 3,443 3,317 2,868 3,045 16,195 2.82
Del Norte 105 95 104 102 115 521 3.78
El Dorado 649 752 701 654 593 3,349 3.53
Fresno 3,598 3,622 3,546 3,116 3,128 17,010 3.44
Glenn 98 98 93 106 85 480 3.42
Humboldt 467 467 453 418 373 2,178 3.20
Imperial 758 714 744 606 565 3,387 3.74
Inyo 55 59 68 60 46 288 3.21
Kern 3,345 3,321 3,264 2,702 2,775 15,407 3.46
Kings 608 578 565 569 613 2,933 3.89
Lake 276 247 262 226 231 1,242 3.87
Lassen 104 145 122 148 102 621 4.04
Los Angeles 33,783 32,330 30,875 26,490 29,136 152,614 3.03
Madera 549 542 513 473 461 2,538 3.26
Marin 901 818 784 645 635 3,783 2.91
Mariposa 49 68 42 68 57 284 3.27
Mendocino 345 389 380 339 247 1,700 3.90
Merced 871 919 889 832 793 4,304 3.16
Modoc 49 54 35 40 36 214 4.83
Mono 40 43 49 34 38 204 2.84
Monterey 1,366 1,236 1,228 1,151 1,325 6,306 2.91
Napa 532 500 483 500 488 2,503 3.59
Nevada 403 414 358 653 311 2,139 4.30
Orange 10,581 10,440 10,159 8,891 8,743 48,814 3.08
Placer 1,431 1,405 1,411 1,250 1,267 6,764 3.48
Plumas 78 79 97 60 314 3.36
Riverside 8,666 8,768 8,454 7,155 7,736 40,779 3.36
Sacramento 5,601 5,432 5,231 4,405 4,849 25,518 3.33
San Benito 199 193 215 172 185 964 3.17
San Bernardino 8,214 7,911 7,681 6,581 7,252 37,639 3.49
San Diego 12,690 12,342 12,045 9,862 10,982 57,921 3.48
San Francisco 2,340 2,256 2,100 1,801 1,819 10,316 2.35
San Joaquin 2,450 2,243 2,187 1,852 2,047 10,779 2.88
San Luis Obispo 907 888 855 792 791 4,233 2.99
San Mateo 2,129 2,036 1,983 1,715 1,589 9,452 2.46
Santa Barbara 1,276 1,296 1,244 1,031 1,064 5,911 2.65
Santa Clara 5,086 4,826 4,246 4,272 18,430 1.91
Santa Cruz 888 884 790 706 722 3,990 2.91
Shasta 878 826 804 705 690 3,903 4.35
Sierra 9 9 18 6 7 49 3.28
Siskiyou 180 173 185 165 145 848 3.90
Solano 1,674 1,691 1,651 1,404 1,353 7,773 3.50
Sonoma 1,679 1,639 1,604 1,310 1,384 7,616 3.05
Stanislaus 2,381 2,307 2,012 1,684 1,777 10,161 3.72
Sutter 378 406 405 333 338 1,860 3.86
Tehama 294 323 323 240 304 1,484 4.63
Trinity 62 73 35 35 38 243 3.86
Tulare 1,652 1,608 1,628 1,372 1,531 7,791 3.36
Tuolumne 214 219 224 216 182 1,055 3.90
Ventura 3,062 2,974 2,731 2,293 2,248 13,308 3.14
Yolo 682 665 613 522 630 3,112 2.85
Yuba 314 334 335 286 303 1,572 4.09


How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Divorces in California?

Data shows that after years of steep and steady decline in divorce rates since 2002, the total number of divorces went up 5 percent overall from the 19/20 to 20/21 fiscal year. What caused this rise in rates? The most likely answer would be attributed to the effects of COVID-19. Marriages that had been on the rocks prior to the COVID-19 quarantine were put to the ultimate test when partners were forced to spend most, if not all, of their time together in a confined space.

The 2020 quarantine halted almost everything – including divorce proceedings, so divorces that were already underway or those getting ready to start the process, could not be moved forward or finalized. This caused a significant decrease in numbers for the 19/20 fiscal year. However, when the courts opened back up in 2021, those seeking a divorce flocked to court, causing the overall divorce rate to increase by 5 percent in the 20/21 fiscal year.

California Divorces During COVID

Data Table: COVID’s Impact on Divorce

Here we can take a closer look at the divorce rates per country from the 19/20 to 20/21 years. Most counties saw an increase in the number of divorces from 2020 to 2021, while some did not. In general, there were overwhelmingly more divorces in 20/21 than in 19/20. The information in the chart below is organized by fiscal year.

*Data is organized by Fiscal Year

COUNTY FY 19-20 FY20-21 Covid Change N Covid Change %
STATEWIDE 108,457 114,238 5,781 5.3
Alameda 3,423 3,747 324 9.5
Alpine 2 2 0 0.0
Amador 159 125 -34 -21.4
Butte 720 626 -94 -13.1
Calaveras 151 170 19 12.6
Colusa 75 62 -13 -17.3
Contra Costa 2,868 3,045 177 6.2
Del Norte 102 115 13 12.7
El Dorado 654 593 -61 -9.3
Fresno 3,116 3,128 12 0.4
Glenn 106 85 -21 -19.8
Humboldt 418 373 -45 -10.8
Imperial 606 565 -41 -6.8
Inyo 60 46 -14 -23.3
Kern 2,702 2,775 73 2.7
Kings 569 613 44 7.7
Lake 226 231 5 2.2
Lassen 148 102 -46 -31.1
Los Angeles 26,490 29,136 2,646 10.0
Madera 473 461 -12 -2.5
Marin 645 635 -10 -1.6
Mariposa 68 57 -11 -16.2
Mendocino 339 247 -92 -27.1
Merced 832 793 -39 -4.7
Modoc 40 36 -4 -10.0
Mono 34 38 4 11.8
Monterey 1,151 1,325 174 15.1
Napa 500 488 -12 -2.4
Nevada 653 311 -342 -52.4
Orange 8,891 8,743 -148 -1.7
Placer 1,250 1,267 17 1.4
Plumas 97 60 -37 -38.1
Riverside 7,155 7,736 581 8.1
Sacramento 4,405 4,849 444 10.1
San Benito 172 185 13 7.6
San Bernardino 6,581 7,252 671 10.2
San Diego 9,862 10,982 1,120 11.4
San Francisco 1,801 1,819 18 1.0
San Joaquin 1,852 2,047 195 10.5
San Luis Obispo 792 791 -1 -0.1
San Mateo 1,715 1,589 -126 -7.3
Santa Barbara 1,031 1,064 33 3.2
Santa Clara 4,246 4,272 26 0.6
Santa Cruz 706 722 16 2.3
Shasta 705 690 -15 -2.1
Sierra 6 7 1 16.7
Siskiyou 165 145 -20 -12.1
Solano 1,404 1,353 -51 -3.6
Sonoma 1,310 1,384 74 5.6
Stanislaus 1,684 1,777 93 5.5
Sutter 333 338 5 1.5
Tehama 240 304 64 26.7
Trinity 35 38 3 8.6
Tulare 1,372 1,531 159 11.6
Tuolumne 216 182 -34 -15.7
Ventura 2,293 2,248 -45 -2.0
Yolo 522 630 108 20.7
Yuba 286 303 17 5.9

Data and Fair Use

This data was collected from reports published by the Judicial Council of California.  County data is shown for the Fiscal Years 2016 – 2021.  If you would like to report on or republish any of the data or graphics found here, please link to this page to cite the source.

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