Solving Complex Family Law Issues with Creative Strategies

Atherton Divorce Lawyer

Choosing a divorce is one of the hardest decisions to make and one of the most emotionally difficult legal issues you’ll ever have to face. In California, divorce is also a legal matter that’s challenging to resolve without the process becoming messy and contentious due to the state’s exacting laws for dividing community assets.

At Moradi Neufer Family Law Attorneys, we understand both the emotional and legal complexities of a divorce. Call the Atherton divorce lawyers at (415) 872-1080, who can help you navigate both sides of the process by safeguarding your interests through assertive legal representation while you focus on protecting your family and your future.

Why Choose Us for Your Divorce Attorneys in Atherton?

California law looks at marriage as more than an emotional agreement, but also as a legal contract forming a marital community of two. Breaking the contract comes with legal consequences including the requirement to share parenting through a set schedule and the 50/50 division of all assets and debts belonging to the marital community. For your Atherton divorce, you need a lawyer from our team that does the following:

  • Approaches each divorce case with the goal of a low-conflict resolution for all disputes through a settlement agreement whenever possible
  • Use our strong record of court litigation experience to assertively advocate your case in court when it’s necessary to achieve your goals
  • Utilize our decades of experience in the financial realms of California divorce, so we are the right choice for divorcing spouses in all walks of life, including those with high assets or complex asset portfolios
  • Protect your rights and best interests throughout all aspects of your divorce with aggressive advocacy, diligent attention to paperwork, timely court filings, and experienced legal counsel

When it comes to the outcome of your divorce, you cannot leave it up to the court, your spouse, and their attorney. Your Atherton divorce attorney from Moradi Neufer Family Law Attorneys is ready to be your legal advocate defending your rights and goals throughout the process.

You Need an Advocating Attorney for Child Custody and Support

No parent should undergo a divorce without an Atherton family law attorney protecting their interests for child custody. California decides all custody cases in the best interests of the children and begins with the presumption that continued close contact with both parents is in a child’s best interests. However, this is a rebuttable presumption if one parent demonstrates effectively that a different outcome is in the child’s best interest. When it comes to child custody, child support, and spousal support, you need aggressive representation.

Why You Need an Assertive Attorney on Your Side During the Division of Assets in a California Divorce

California requires divorcing spouses to equally divide their community assets while retaining their separate assets. It’s important to understand how the state differentiates between separate and community assets.

Separate assets include:

  • Any property, account, heirlooms, and valuables belonging to one spouse before the marriage
  • Any asset inherited by one spouse during the marriage
  • Any asset gifted to one spouse during the marriage

Separate assets sometimes become commingled, such as when one spouse grants the other access to a separate account or when one spouse spends time or money improving the other spouse’s property. The commingling of one spouse’s separate access may entitle the other spouse to a share of the asset or a portion of the improved value.

Community assets during a divorce are subject to equal division in California. Community assets include:

  • Any property, investment account, retirement account, bank account, and business begun during the marriage regardless of whose name is on the account, deed, or title
  • Vehicles, RVs, and boats
  • Valuables, artwork, antiques, collectibles, and intellectual property
  • Household items

The division of assets often becomes contentious, especially for those with complex or high-net-worth assets. Your attorney from Moradi Neufer will ensure you keep your share of assets and miss nothing you are entitled to during the divorce. We always aim for a low-conflict settlement agreement but are more than ready for court if litigation becomes necessary to defend your rights.

Call The Atherton Divorce Lawyers at Moradi Neufer Family Law Attorneys

Don’t take chances with your future, especially when you are dividing one home and family into two. Contact Moradi Neufer Family Law Attorneys today so we can begin our strong legal strategy to resolve your Atherton divorce case.

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