Solving Complex Family Law Issues with Creative Strategies

San Francisco Complex Property Distribution Lawyers

Financially complex divorces are those dealing with professional practice, a closely held family business, or a large marital estate encompassing significant real estate holdings, highly-valued collections, vast financial holdings, or international investments. These divorces require specialized legal counsel and careful handling to protect one’s financial assets and future.

At Moradi Neufer, our family law attorneys are:

  • Equipped to handle even the most complicated financial issues in family law, divorce, or post-divorce situations;
  • Determined to obtain the best possible results for clients through our close working relationships with experts such as business appraisers, accountants, forensic experts, and financial analysts; and
  • Highly skilled and experienced in both settlement negotiations and courtroom litigation.

Speak with a family law attorney in San Francisco at Moradi Neufer today in a confidential setting to learn about our approach to complex financial issues. We want to work closely with you to resolve your case, freeing you to move forward with your life.

Our San Francisco Complex Financial Issues Family Law Attorneys Can Help

Complex financial issues in a divorce can be quite challenging to navigate. It is prudent to seek advice from a legal team that regularly settles and litigates complicated asset cases like Moradi Neufer. There are several situations where the family law attorneys at Moradi Neufer can guide you through the potential pitfalls of a financially complex divorce.

Contact an experienced San Francisco divorce attorney to help you get the compensation you deserve.

These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • If one of the spouses does not understand the types of assets involved or has unrealistic expectations of a potential outcome;
  • When only one spouse has typically had access to information about marital finances and assets and the other only limited access or understanding of marital, financial matters;
  • If spouses have assets that are hard to value, fluctuate in value, or are otherwise non-traditional; and
  • Ensuring that proper consideration and planning go into the final orders and these orders account for possible contingencies.

If you would like to discuss how Moradi Neufer takes care to protect your assets both now and in the future, call or contact our office in San Francisco. We take pride in providing thoughtful, prudent advice that you can rely on.

Division of Complex Assets in California

California is a community property state, not an equitable distribution state. Therefore, any assets or property gained during a marriage belong equally to both spouses. In cases involving complex financial issues, this makes accurate identification and valuation of assets imperative.

Identifying and valuing assets may involve significant investigation and review of business financial records where one or both spouses own their own companies. In cases of long-term marriages where a couple has accumulated substantial assets, from real estate to investment accounts, marital assets are often extensive, intertwined, and must be meticulously handled and divided.

Countless other complicated financial issues may arise in a family law case. All of which require careful examination before division, such as:

  • The distribution of pension and additional retirement funds;
  • The sale of stock, gain exclusions and capital gains taxes related to the sale of a residence;
  • Life insurance; and
  • Several other possible issues.

Contact an Experienced San Francisco Complex Financial Issues Family Law Attorney

Moradi Neufer’s family law attorneys are experienced in recognizing the factual and legal issues presented by complex financial issues. We can guide you through the intricacies of your divorce or other complicated family law matter, no matter how difficult the problems are you are facing.

Contact us in San Francisco to schedule a consultation today at your earliest convenience. We look forward to addressing your questions and concerns about complex financial issues or any other family law matter.

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