Solving Complex Family Law Issues with Creative Strategies

Domestic Partnership Dissolution Lawyers

Need assistance with Domestic Partnership Dissolution?

Same-sex couples often face different challenges than those faced by opposite-sex couples when dealing with separation, registered domestic partnership dissolution, and divorce.

At Moradi Saslaw, our Orange County divorce attorneys have substantial experience working with clients who seek to dissolve same-sex relationships.

What issues are specific to California Domestic Partnerships?

Couples in registered domestic partnerships have many unique legal issues to consider when they separate, including:

  • Dividing assets in a way that avoids adverse tax consequences to the parties
  • Establishing and protecting parent-child relationships
  • Navigating the division of retirement assets

Our attorneys possess education and experience that enable us to counsel clients about the financial impact of their dissolution. We assist you with the analysis of your property and debts and help you determine the best way to achieve your specific financial needs and goals. We also work to enforce or establish your parental rights, whether through a negotiated agreement with the other parent or through litigation.

Let the skilled domestic partnership attorneys at Moradi Saslaw support you today. Contact us online or call Moradi Saslaw now.

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