Solving Complex Family Law Issues with Creative Strategies

Oakland Child Support Lawyer

Child support cases often carry a lot of emotional and legal conflict and are not always as straightforward as they appear. Regardless of which side of a child support case you are on, you need an Oakland child support attorney ready to fight for you. At Moradi Neufer, our child support attorneys stand prepared to defend you and your family’s financial well-being.

Moradi Neufer’s child support attorneys are:

  • Knowledgeable in all areas of child support laws, calculations, and deviations;
  • Aggressive and determined to meet your legal goals; and
  • Experienced in handling even the most complex child support calculations, including those with self-employed parents.

Call Moradi Neufer today to speak with one of our child support attorneys in a confidential consultation. We can develop a unique strategy to fit any complicated child support issues you may be dealing with.

Our Oakland Child Support Attorneys Can Help

It is imperative to have an Oakland family law attorney like those at Moradi Neufer by your side throughout the child support determination or modification process. Our attorneys will explain the child support process to you, make sure you have any necessary documentation, and be available to answer your questions.

Additionally, Moradi Neufer’s child support attorneys will be able to:

  • Analyze your case for potential modifications;
  • Clarify any ambiguous terms in your documents; and
  • Calculate possible payments before deciding to proceed with filing for a modification.

Do not wait to contact Moradi Neufer for assistance with your child support matter. We want to make your child support case go as smoothly as possible for you. Meet with one of our professionals now.

How California Calculates Child Support

California employs a state-wide formula for calculating child support. This formula takes the following into account:

  • The parents’ income;
  • The amount of time the children spend with each parent; and
  • Other discretionary factors.

The purpose of the formula is to encourage parents to settle child support disputes reasonably and efficiently and minimize the need for litigation. However, parents often resort to litigation when conflicts arise regarding individual income amounts.

Documents the court may use when determining income include the following:

  • Pay stubs;
  • W-2 forms;
  • Tax returns;
  • Income and expense declarations; and
  • Any other documents that will help the court determine income.

The court has the authority to order temporary child support during a pending family law matter as well as at the end of a case.

Modification of Child Support

A parent may request a modification of a child support order when there is a change in circumstances. This could be a job change or loss, change in custody, aging out of a child, or any other life change that affects parental income or the child support order. Child support may be increased or decreased upon request for modification, sometimes to the detriment of the parent requesting the modification.

It is wise to speak with an experienced child support attorney prior to seeking any modification of child support to find out if that is the right choice in your case.

Contact an Experienced Oakland Child Support Attorney

The longer you wait to speak with an experienced Oakland child support attorney, like those at Moradi Neufer, the more time you could be going without the financial resources your family needs. We can help you whether your child support case is part of a larger divorce case or a stand-alone matter.

Contact Moradi Neufer in Oakland to schedule an appointment with a skilled attorney to find out how we can assist you with any family law matter, no matter the complexity. We want to help you and your family live your best possible life both now and into the future.

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