Solving Complex Family Law Issues with Creative Strategies

Oakland Division of Assets and Debts Lawyer

Dividing assets and debts can be one of the most complex and challenging issues in a divorce. You may desire to retain ownership of particular items from the marriage or wish to ensure that assets and debts are divided correctly. Either way, it is imperative you present the best possible evidence before the court when identifying and valuing any marital assets and debts.

At Moradi Neufer, our divorce attorneys are:

  • Experienced in gathering and presenting asset and debt documentation in family court;
  • Accustomed to tailoring plans to meet the needs of special asset holdings, including equity compensation and high asset couples; and
  • Prepared to litigate your case in court to achieve your goals if an agreement cannot be reached.

Contact Moradi Neufer today to discuss the process of dividing assets and debts among Oakland. Our Oakland divorce attorneys can help you understand your rights regarding your marital assets and debts.

Let Our Oakland Divorce Attorneys Help You

At Moradi Neufer, our divorce attorneys will gather and present the evidence the divorce court needs to accurately divide your marital assets and debts. We do this by taking the time to visit with you about all of your property holdings, particularly those that are difficult to value.

In cases involving special collections, real estate, oil and natural gas interests, and start-up businesses, the assistance of an independent financial professional may be needed to place a value on certain assets. Moradi Neufer has a network of professionals to assist our clients in the evaluation of the complicated marital property.

We may also be able to help with:

  • Locating concealed or devalued assets;
  • Separating marital and non-marital assets; and
  • Accurately valuing self-employment income, RSUs, and much more.

Learn more about the services we offer at Moradi Neufer by contacting our Oakland office. We will gladly schedule a confidential consultation with a member of our legal team at a convenient time for you.

California is a Community Property State

California is a community property state. Any property that a couple acquires during their marriage or partnership is “community property.” Any debt that a couple acquires during their marriage or partnership is “community debt.”
Community property includes everything that spouses or domestic partners own together, except for gifts or inheritance. It also includes all the earnings that either spouse or partner earned during the marriage and purchases made.

In California, each spouse or partner owns one-half of the community property and is responsible for one-half of the community debt. Usually, the two are equally divided.

What is Separate Property?

Separate property is anything a spouse or partner owned before the marriage or registration of the domestic partnership. Inheritances and gifts to one of the spouses or domestic partners are separate property unless stated otherwise. Profits generated from separate property and purchases made from those proceeds are also separate property.

Separate property also includes those things acquired after the date of separation, including monies earned.

Commingling of Property

When a property is partially separate property and partially community property, it is “commingled” or mixed property. It can be quite tricky and require the assistance of experts to divide the commingled property.

Contact an Experienced Oakland Divorce Attorney

For more information about community property laws in California, contact the experienced legal team at Moradi Neufer. Our Oakland divorce attorney can guide you through even the most complex asset and debt division issues using creative, personalized solutions tailored to meet your goals and expectations.

Moradi Neufer can also address your other divorce matters, including, but not limited to, child custody, visitation, support, and alimony. Speak with one of our skilled professionals today.

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